Space Planning

Campus Services is the custodian of space data for the University.  To ensure all building blue prints are current and accurate, all renovations or space modification projects should be reported.  Types of information maintained in the Space Management System are space identification (room numbers), organizational owner, square footage and space type. 

Services Available Through the Computer-Aided Design Team Include:

  • Routine requests for drawings to building owners
  • Documentation and maintenance of Emory’s facilities space inventory
  • Storage of "as built" drawings for campus buildings
  • Documentation and maintenance of Emory’s campus map (
  • Requests for drawings and services for groups outside of Emory (e.g., Architecture and Engineering Firms)

Requests that are beyond the scope of normal services provided by the Space Planning Team may be subject to billable rates. 

Definition of Terms

  • Assignable space - is defined as offices, labs, classrooms, conference rooms, etc, available for assignment to an occupant or specific use
  • Non- Assignable space - includes circulation areas, public toilets, elevator shafts, mechanical spaces, stairwells, lobbies, corridors, loading docks, housekeeping, Net/Com, unassigned storage, etc.
  • Gross Sq Ft. - Assignable + Non Assignable + Structure

Submit a Space Management Request